Author: Sere Travels

Trento: Visiting one of the “greenest” city in Italy

Trento is one of the city you need to absolutely see if you are visiting Italy and you want to stay away from the most famous city (and full of tourists) like Florence or Venice. Trento is located in the north east of Italy and its surrounded by Austria and Switzerland so it makes it easy to reach the city without taking any flights if you are in in Mittel Europe.

Travelling Tips: Packing Sustainably

One of the most asked questions about sustainable travel is: “How can I make sure when […]

South America Chronicles: Preparing your trip to Bolivia

When you think about Bolivia you probably don’t consider it as a popular travel destination: The […]

Sustainable Trip to Iceland: Everything You Need To Know

Iceland is one of the most magical place on planet earth. With its breathtaking nature it […]

A Trip To Poznan: Poland’s Underrated Gem

One of the key things of becoming a more responsible traveller is to avoid overcrowded, super […]

South America Chronicles: Floating homes in Uros Island, Lake Titicaca

Right in the middle of the Lake Titicaca (the largest lake in South America who divides […]

Visiting Peru’s Ccaccaccollo Women’s Weaving Co-Op

Ccaccaccollo Women Weaving Co-OP is a great example of sustainable tourism and a 100% women owned […]

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